Create your Marriage Masterpiece!
Often times in our marriage, the communication gets tangled, the mixed messages become rooted, and it's hard to figure out how our relationship can grow. The one thing that we have to remember is everything that we go through can be used to nuture our marriage. We can take the mixed messages and create a marriage masterpiece that becomes invaluable over time. We can take what seems to be a mess and apply the love of God to reshape what's tangled, mixed up, and rooted, and make it the absolute best! To create our Marriage Masterpiece we have to learn to Be clear; Have clear communication so that our spouse can understand what we want, when we want it, and how we want it; So using the right Words, not afraid to do the Work, and Be willing to be accountable to our spouse and making them our first priority! We have to be willing to love with all our heart and being committed to Acknowledge, Accept, and Appreciate them until death do us part. And Be creative as we need to be. Don't be afraid to step outside of our comfort zone. We have to create more than a black and white picture with no room to add some bold colors; be vibrant, positive, and happy; adding what's needed to make our marriage all that we want it to be. With true commitment, willingness to compromise, the right communication, and love, our marraige will continue to stand strong and produce the love that was predestined from above.