Think before you speak!
So often we say things without thinking. Later we regret it and we can't take it back. It's so important that we carefully evaluate what we are going to say before we say it; especially when expressing our feelings. After all, the ultimate goal is resolution, not confusion. But when we speak without thinking, it leads to resentment and retaliation. The book of James encourages us to have wise speech. Wisdom shows itself in wise speech. God holds us responsible for the results of our destructive words. The wisdom of God that helps control our tongue can help control our actions. Accepting God's wisdom will affect what we say and how we say it; It will make our words easier to receive, and convey a message of true humility that leads to peace rather than arguing. Think before you speak and allow God to give you self-control.When we eliminate resentment and retaliation, we get results, resolution, and restoration! Think about it......